Ectopic heartbeat

Ectopic heartbeat


Ectopic heartbeat is an irregularity of the heart rate and heart rhythm involving extra or skipped heartbeats.

Alternative Names

PVB (premature ventricular beat); Premature contraction; Premature beats; PVC (premature ventricular contraction); Extrasystole


Ectopic heartbeats are an arrhythmia involving small variations in an otherwise normal heartbeat. In many cases, they may occur without obvious cause and be benign.

Other times, however, they are associated with electrolyte abnormalities in the blood which should be corrected. They can also be associated with ischemia, or local reduction in blood supply to the heart. In addition, ectopic beats may be caused or made worse by excessive smoking, alcohol consumption, caffeine, certain medications, and some illicit drugs.

Ectopic beats are rare in children other than those with congenital heart disease

In adults, ectopic beats can occur more commonly, and underlying reversible reasons should be investigated even if it turns out that no treatment is ultimately needed.


  • Sensation of feeling heart beat (palpitations)
  • Sensation of stopped or skipped beats
Note: In many cases, the person may have no symptoms.

Exams and Tests

A physical examination may show an occasional irregularity, but if the ectopic beats do not occur frequently, they may not be detectable on physical exam. Blood pressure is usually normal.

The following tests may be used to diagnosis an ectopic heartbeat:

  • ECG
  • Continuous ambulatory cardiac monitoring (Holter monitor)
  • Echocardiogram
  • Coronary angiography


Often ectopic heartbeats do not require treatment. The condition is treated if symptoms are severe or if extra beats are very frequent.

An underlying cause, if discovered, may also require treatment.

Outlook (Prognosis)

Ectopic heartbeats are generally benign, requiring no treatment. Occasionally, they may indicate an increased risk for other cardiac arrhythmias.

Possible Complications

Note: There usually are no complications.

When to Contact a Medical Professional

Call your health care provider if you feel palpitations that are persistent or are accompanied by chest pain or other symptoms.

Call your health care provider if ectopic heartbeats have been diagnosed and the symptoms worsen or do not improve with treatment.


Moderation in caffeine, alcohol, and tobacco use may reduce the risk of ectopic heartbeats in some people. Exercise often helps persons who lead a sedentary lifestyle.

Ectopic heartbeat
Chronic venous insufficiency
Colorectal polyps
Tardive dyskinesia
Conversion disorder
Cushing syndrome - ectopic
Bacterial arthritis

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