Gender identity disorder

Gender identity disorder


Gender identity disorder describes a conflict between a person's physical or apparent gender (sex) and that person's self-identification. For instance, a person identified as a boy may actually feel and act like a girl. This is distinct from homosexuality. Homosexuals nearly always identify with their apparent gender.

Identity issues can occur in a variety of situations and show in different ways. For example, some people with normal genitals and secondary sex characteristics (such as breasts) of one gender privately identify more with the other gender. Some may cross-dress, and some may actually seek sex-change surgery. Others are born with ambiguous genitals, which can raise identity issues (see also Intersex

Alternative Names



People with gender identity disorder may act and present themselves as members of the opposite sex. The disorder may affect self-concept, choice of sexual partners, and the display of femininity or masculinity through mannerisms, behavior, and dress.

The feeling of being in the body of the "wrong" gender must persist for at least 2 years for this diagnosis to be made. The cause is unknown, but hormonal influences in the womb, genetics, and environmental factors (such as parenting) are suspected to be involved. The disorder may occur in children or adults, and is rare.



  • Express the desire to be the opposite sex
  • Have disgust with their own genitals
  • Believe that they will grow up to become the opposite sex
  • Are rejected by their peer group, feel isolated
  • Have depression or anxiety


  • Desire to live as a person of the opposite sex
  • Wish to be rid of their own genitals
  • Dress in a way that is typical of the opposite sex
  • Have depression or anxiety
  • Feel isolated

Either adults or children:

  • Withdraw from social interaction
  • Cross-dress, show habits typical of the opposite sex

Exams and Tests

A history and psychiatric evaluation confirms the persistent desire to be the opposite sex. The person's partner choices may be same-sex or opposite sex.


Individual and family counseling is recommended for children, and individual or couples therapy is recommended for adults. Sex reassignment through surgery and hormonal therapy is an option, but identity problems may persist after this form of treatment.

Outlook (Prognosis)

A better outcome is associated with the early diagnosis and treatment of this disorder.

Possible Complications

  • Poor self-concept
  • Social isolation
  • Emotional distress
  • Depression or anxiety

When to Contact a Medical Professional

Make an appointment with your health care provider if you observe the symptoms of this disorder and desire help, especially with anxiety and depression.

Gender identity disorder
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