Amphetamine or sympathomimetic intoxication

Amphetamine or sympathomimetic intoxication


Amphetamine or sympathomimetic intoxication describes the state that occurs with the use of amphetamines or sympathomimetic drugs. Intoxication can easily lead to overdose with severe or deadly toxicity (poisonous effects).

Symptoms include: high blood pressure, rapid heart rate (tachycardia), increased body temperature, agitation, stroke, seizures, irregular heart beats (cardiac arrhythmias)

See also: amphetamines in the poison section.

Alternative Names

Sympathomimetic intoxication; Intoxication - amphetamines or sympathomimetics; Intoxication - uppers
Amphetamine or sympathomimetic intoxication
Anxiety disorder
Acute sinusitis
Aase syndrome
Anemia - megaloblastic
Acute glomerulonephritis
Amyloidosis - secondary systemic
Headache - mixed tension migraine