Necrosis - renal papillae

Necrosis - renal papillae


Renal papillary necrosis is a disorder of the kidneys involving death of some or all of the renal papillae.

Alternative Names

Necrosis - renal papillae; Renal medullary necrosis


The renal papillae are the areas of the kidney where the openings from the collecting ducts enter the renal pelvis. Necrosis (tissue death) of this area may may make the kidney unable to concentrate the urine. This causes polyuria (increased urine volume, usually in excess of 3 liters per day) and nocturia (frequent urination at night).

The necrotic tissue may be sloughed off, and it may be seen in the urine, or the tissue may obstruct the renal pelvis or the ureter. Presence of necrotic tissue in the urine increases the risk of urinary tract infections. Necrosis of multiple papillae in the kidney can lead to failure of that kidney.

Renal papillary necrosis is most commonly associated with analgesic nephropathy, diabetic nephropathy, renal transplant rejection, urinary tract obstruction, kidney infections and sickle cell anemia. Sickle cell anemia is a common cause of renal papillary necrosis in children.


  • Tissue in the urine
  • Cloudy urine
  • Dark, rust-colored, or brown urine
  • Bloody urine
  • Back pain or flank pain
    • May be on only one side
    • May be acute
    • May be colicky or spasm-like pain
Additional symptoms that may be associated with this disease:
  • Painful urination
  • Urinary hesitancy
  • Increased urinary frequency or urgency
  • Polyuria (large urine volumes)
  • Nocturia (urinating frequently at night)
  • Incontinence
  • Chills

Exams and Tests

An examination may reveal tenderness when touching the body over the affected kidney. There may be a history of chronic or recurrent urinary tract infections. There may be signs of obstructive uropathy or renal failure.

  • A urinalysis may show sediment, casts, tissue, or blood in the urine. Examination of tissue in the urine may show a necrotic renal papilla.
  • An IVP may show obstruction or tissue in the renal pelvis or ureter.


There is no specific treatment for renal papillary necrosis. If analgesic nephropathy is suspected as the cause, stop the use of suspected medications. This may allow healing over time.

If nephropathy is a result of diabetes or sickle cell anemia

Outlook (Prognosis)

The probable outcome varies. If the underlying disorder can be controlled, the condition may go away on its own. The progression to renal failure is also possible.

Possible Complications

When to Contact a Medical Professional

Call for an appointment with your health care provider any time there is bloody urine. Also call if other symptoms of renal papillary necrosis develop, especially after taking over-the-counter analgesics (pain medications).


Control of diabetes or sickle cell anemia may reduce risk. Prevention of renal papillary necrosis from analgesic nephropathy includes careful moderation in the use of medications, including over-the-counter analgesics.

Necrosis - renal papillae
Congenital hernia of the diaphragm
Amyloidosis - hereditary
Arias syndrome (type II Crigler-Najjar)
Little stroke
Crescentic glomerulonephritis

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